The lie of material wealth, and our ego's addiction to instant gratification.

| Curator Review
by Fatoş Üstek (2022) | internationally-acclaimed art curator, critic and leading voice in contemporary art, curator at Frieze, @fatosustek
'Arctic Indictment' (2018) (shown here) and 'Exposure' (2020) were selected for NADA Curated: Reduction to Satire (Reductio Ad Satura), an online exhibition by Fatos Ustek.
"Ellen de Meijer is on a mission to confront the stereotypes using satire as her weapon and medium of choice. She dissects the society-exposing uncomfortable truths that are routinely glossed over. Life is often viewed through the prism of peer pressure to achieve, and through social media as a means of validation.
De Meijer's characters seem to live at the pinnacle of this imaginary perfect world, yet their aloof melancholic appearances show the emptiness and unhappiness of their existence. She surrounds her protagonists with absurd power status signifier objects to enhance the irony and sarcasm of the works."
Collect | Beat the S&P. Invest in Art.
How our way of living is harmful to ourselves, our planet and our children's future.
'Air' (2019), at #C02

"Ellen de Meijer shows characters at times taking small measures to protect themselves from the elements, while the greater threat to all looms."
Connect with the artist on Instagram to follow her journey and get sneak peeks from her Amsterdam studio.